Wednesday 22 July 2015

RAF Fighter Numbers

The report that the RAF will reduce to just 127 fast-jet aircraft, "the lowest number that the RAF will have fielded since its creation in 1918,"  is dismal. On the other hand, at the same time, the RAF will be able to boast no less than 14 huge Voyager air refuelling tanker aircraft (leased on a watertight 30-year PFI deal).  We may not be able to deliver much of a punch but we shall certainly be able to reach a long way!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Meanwhile, We Have a Referendum to Think About

With the Greek debt crisis solved until the next one, we can turn our attention back to the more personal issue of Britain's membership of the EU.  With the European democratic deficit firmly in the electorate's mind and the latest sleight to UK independence, news that, indifferent to previous undertakings, the European Commission proposes to use The European Financial Stabilisation  Mechanism to provide emergency funding to Greece, one might expect that the PM would feel his negotiating  position somewhat strengthened.  But will he use it?

I remain highly suspicious of the negotiating strategy.  I hope I am wrong but I believe the PM is pre-disposed to stay in the EU and intent upon delivering a compromise, the best result possible, rather than the optimum, best possible result.  The best possible result will not be achieved by adjusting the existing deck chairs!  Having just witnessed the astonishing semantic contortions and financial deceits being brought into play to save the Euro (sorry Greece), I am not at all confident that the Government will find the strength to stand up to the Euro Technocracy and negotiate a lasting settlement that will save our Nation from the EU economic and social spiral of decline.

If I was asked to vote today it would be a resounding NO!  On the other hand, if a binding settlement could be achieved that satisfied the following then I could be persuaded to change my mind:
  •          A "no ifs, no buts" guarantee that there would be no obligation to further political union.  Indeed, a negotiated trading relationship with the EU that excluded political union would be preferable
  •        Complete control over our borders.  This is the only way in which we could keep control of economic and social fabric and ensure that our inexorable population growth could be managed
  •         Democratic accountability, particularly over the EU budget.  I am particularly fearful of the increasing tendency for government by the EU technocracy
  •         Judicial autonomy ie whatever it takes to put our Courts and Legislature back in charge of our own justice system
  •         A commitment to Free Trade.  All the facts point to an EU in decline as a trading bloc because of bureaucratic inertia on protectionist jealousies.  We need complete trading freedom, both of goods and services together with complete overhaul of restrictive cartels such as the CAP, Fisheries Policy and the emerging Energy surrender.  There must also be national autonomy in terms of the Social Chapter, Working Time Directive and other EU red-tape etc.
 So come on Prime Minister and do not be deterred by the Euro propensity for zero-sum compromise - it we don't ask, we certainly will not get!  

Monday 13 July 2015

Greek Tragedy Continues

No doubt the Euro elite will be congratulating themselves on reaching a deal that saves the Euro (sorry Greece). Although the elephant in the room, the unmanageable burden of debt, gets a mention there is hardly a commitment from the Euro hard-men to do anything about it. Meantime, Greece will have to put up with draconian cuts, intimate external supervision and an effective loss of sovereignty.  It is hard to see envisage any positive impact upon unemployment and relative depravation and one wonders just how long the Greek people will be prepared to put up with their subjugated status.  History tells us that the harsh terms imposed upon Germany by the victors in 1919 prepared the ground for another European catastrophe.  Let us hope that, in their determination to save their currency, the Euro elite have not made another Versailles!

Wednesday 8 July 2015


As another final deadline approaches, a helpful intervention from Mr Obama and Frau Merkel - "it is in everyone's interest to reach a durable agreement that will allow Greece to resume reforms, return to growth, and achieve debt sustainability within the eurozone."  Quite, but I wonder if "everyone," in this more of the same package, includes the hapless Greek people?