Friday 29 July 2016


I have just started reading Michel Houellebecq’s chilling novel, “Submission,” when I came across this rather pertinent observation:

"It may well be impossible for people who have lived and prospered under a given social system to imagine the point of view of those who feel it offers them nothing, and who can contemplate its destruction without any particular dismay." (from "Submission" by Michel Houellebecq)

I thought it was somewhat relevant to the discussion our Conservative Policy Forum held on 12 July.  It seemed to us that there was a great deal that grassroots political organisations, the Conservative Policy Forum (CPF) in particular, could do to reflect the membership view on a fast-moving political landscape.  Difficult though it may be for the ivory-towered elite to accept, we, the electorate, want to be in on the debate.  Call us old-fashioned but we feel it is our role to tell Westminster what we think and not the other way round.  Ironically, as party canvassers, we are exhorted to knock on doors and listen to what the voters say.  Unfortunately, none of those who have lived and prospered under the current political consensus appear ready to listen in their turn.  Indeed, had the views of members been taken as more indicative of the country at large, the whole Government strategy over the referendum may have been different.  Sadly, on the evidence so far of business as usual, the referendum result does not appear to have provided an effective wake-up call.

If you want to know what could happen next, read Submission!