Friday 27 October 2017

Don't Let Parliament Get Away With It

On 1 February 2017, MPs took an irrevocable step to take Britain out of the European Union by approving a Bill, by a whopping cross-party majority of 384, allowing the Prime Minister to trigger Article 50.
The article provides that the provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon will cease to apply to the leaving state from the date of any leaving agreement or, 2 years from the date of notification if no earlier agreement.
So, what we have so far is an overwhelming parliamentary mandate to leave the EU by Friday 29 March 2019. There is no mention of transition or implementation periods, just the simple imperative to leave. But Parliament now wants a “meaningful vote” on the terms of leaving. How can that be? They have voted to go but now, in retrospect, wish to quibble about the manner of reaching the door.
Now, a sinister, “deadly serious,” movement is building up. Since we only have the authority to go straight to the exit, MPs claim they must now debate and give themselves the authority to negotiate our departure via a more circuitous route. This should give our MPs, urged on by, amongst others, the loyal members for Broxstowe and Loughborough - "Why, I can smile and murder whiles I smile" - plenty to talk about over the next few years and ensure that any prospect of actually regaining our sovereignty by leaving the EU is well and truly consigned to the long grass of history.
Don’t let them get away with it!