Thursday 6 May 2021

Manipulation of the News Movement


When the media manipulator Kamal Ahmed was sacked during a restructuring by the BBC, Mushroom shed a few crocodile tears.  Ahmed’s shameful manipulation of trade data during the Brexit debacle was allowed to stand despite a lengthy exchange between Mushroom and the know-alls at the BBC so ever serve you right.  By ditching Ahmed the BBC was dangerously exposed since the BBC News Board was left marooned without a BAME representative.  Presumably, the BBC argued, without a minority ethnic representative, the quality of news would be deleteriously affected?  Although, I don’t know about you, but I haven’t noticed much difference in the BBC news output as a result so, with Ahmed gone, it looks like win-win.

Unfortunately, Ahmed seems to have fallen on his feet and has co-founded a new platform called the “News Movement.”  Apparently, News Movement is intended to deliver “trustworthy and objective” information, through “high impact” stories which hold “the powerful” to account.  Deciding what is important, which of the powerful to target how to make an impact should be right up Ahmed’s editorial street.