Sunday 29 May 2016


The respective former SACEURs appear to base their hope that the EU will continue to have the United Kingdom as an " active and often decisive voice" on the premise that they have observed "the vital importance of British leadership in EU military operations."  I wonder to which EU military operations they might be referring?

Thursday 19 May 2016

European Offence

Various people have tried, and failed, to create a European super state through military means.  The historical list includes Adolf Hitler. The EU is also trying to create a European super state, but through political manoeuvring.  Boris Johnson points out that the EU, like the military dictators before them, will also fail because there is no fundamental and underlying loyalty to a “European” identity in the EU.  So what is offensive about that?  Surely Boris bashers could not be imagining that Germany was behind the EU drive towards a super state?

Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Queen's Speech and National Defence

When we have digested the Queen’s Speech today, it should be very easy to agree with General Sir Richard Shirreff that “Britain was now little different from any other semi-pacifist, European social democracy, more interested in protecting welfare and benefits than maintaining adequate defences.”  Presumably, the Remainians have decided that the smoke and mirrors of the UK “commitment” to spend 2% of GDP on “defence (whatever that comprises)” is sufficient evidence to conclude that Great Britain will be safer with its equally lily-livered allies in (a reformed) Europe?  Give us strength!